Monday, February 2, 2015

My Little List of Learning

The List
At the start of every new year, my sister-in-law, Mary, announces her learning goals for the next 12 months. Her list is always full of exotic, curious and novel ideas. Last year, she decided to teach herself to make cheese, and she did. In fact, she became so good at it that a local beer, wine and cheese supply store asked her to teach a class. This year, she's cultivating a mushroom farm in her backyard. See what I mean? Exotic and interesting. There are other random items on her list  - I think one involves chickens. Even if she doesn't accomplish everything, as least she can say she did something. 

As much as I love her lists - they truly are works of art - they make me a little sad because I realize I don't have any "just for fun" goals. Mine are all either professional or parenting-oriented. 

So, to go along with my theme for 2015 (FUN), I decided to make a list of things I want to do or learn this year.

Drum roll, please. 

  • Watch as many Colin Firth movies. (He is my British boyfriend, so I owe it to him to watch his filmography, right?). 
  • Improve my sewing machine skills. Curtains, anyone? Pillow coverings?
  • Become a truffle-making expert. (The decadent sweet treat, NOT the mushroom.)
  • Improve my menu planning and freezing skills. 
  • Experiment with new recipes so we expand our eat-at-home menu.

That's it for now. Trust me, just jotting down those five things was exhausting. It made me realize how infrequently I stop and think about what I truly enjoy. Kind of sad, right? 

So, off I go with my little list of learning. 

What about you? What do you want to learn about this year? 

Wherever you are, whatever you're doing ... Keep It Real. 

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