Monday, June 3, 2013

No Sentimental Jourmey for this Mama

Friday  was the peeps' last day of kindergarten. The end of their first year of school. And I didn't shed one tear. From what I observed going on around me, I think the proper response was to get teary-eyed and lament the fact that they are growing older.

But the reality is (aside from the fact that I'm not an emotional person), I'm too enamoured with the amazing people my girls are becoming. Watching them grow their bodies and their brains, experiencing life, making connections, meeting people ... it doesn't make me sad. It fascinates me. It energizes me. It rarely crosses my mind to be sad about them growing up because I'm too busy being in awe of their sweet little lives. I truly cannot wait to see what great things life has in store for them, and I'm super excited to see who they will be as adults.

That's not to say I wont get blubbery down the road. I will. We have many humongo milestones to reach as they hurtle through life. But for now,  I'm just going to wallow in my excitement.

Wherever you are, whatever you're doing ... keep it real.

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