Monday, January 17, 2022

Adjusting Life's Lens

2022 May it be a colorful year for all

After nearly two years of stumbling through life, I gotta get back on track. I'm tired of the head spinning uncertainty. I've done everything I can to keep myself, my family and others safe. I'm tired of the chaos. Even though so many things are still out of control, I'm using 2022 to adjusti life's lens to put parts of my life in focus. 

When I want to really focus on something, I write it down. So, I decided to go with 22 in '22, a fun and challenging strategy that mixes creativity with big to-dos. I got the idea from Gretchen Rubin, one of my favorite authors.  

Below is my 22 for 2022 list (minus two ... I'm still contemplating a couple of ideas). 

1. Listen more. I want to put down my book/phone, or stop what I'm doing for the few minutes it takes for the people I love to share with me. I've gotten really bad about half-listening, asking questions and not waiting for the answer, of responding with, "OK" or "Uh-huh."

2. Catalog my mom's 45s. My mom passed away from cancer when I was five years old. She left behind a mini collection of mint condition 45 records. I've moved them with me I don't know how many times over the years, mostly for sentimental reasons. As I've gotten older, I realize they are a snapshot into the early life of a person I never got to know. They reflect her musical tastes when she was young and single — Elvis, Ray Charles, waltzes, orchestra music, operas, popular artists in the 50s. I've created a spreadsheet to catalog them. 

3. Create a cocktail notebook. I'm a pandemic bartender. Probably the slowest one in the universe, but I love learning the science behind mixing drinks and the different techniques used in crafting them. I have drink recipes earmarked in every issue of Imbibe magazine and I want them all in one place for easy access. Just gotta decide how to organize my notebook. By season? Base ingredient?  

4. Create a travel notebook. The list of places I want to see in this world is never ending. I clip magazine articles, bookmark websites and jot down names of interesting places.  Like the cocktails, I want them all in one place. 

5. Get our stucco project done. We contracted with someone in April 2021. Rainy weather and other obstacles have kept this from getting done. Fingers crossed!

6. Have the house painted. It's overdue but ... see No. 5.

7. Add some curb appeal. Our landscaping is a hot, scraggly mess, and I hate it. But, see Nos. 5 and 6.t has to wait until the house gets painted. 

8. Write at least one blog post a month. Stop laughing. I'm still trying to figure out how passionate I am about this blog!

9. Watch at least one movie a month. This is a hold over from 2020, where I wanted to go to the theater by myself once a month. I got January and February in. So, whether it's in the theater or streaming, I'm looking forward to seeing some great stuff!

10. Attend at least six City Council meetings. I've lived in our town for 10 years and have attended maybe two meetings. I'm curious about how things works. 

11. Plan a trip to Canada. We hope to travel later this year. 

12. Plan a dream trip to Bali. This was on my 2020 list. Maybe I'll get it done this year. 

13. Get the elm tree trimmed. Another house to-do. 

14. Create a plan to makeover the main bedroom. Just a refresh. 

15. Complete all 30 days of Rachel Cargle's #DoTheWork course. 

16. Watch at least one PBS show a month, other that Masterpiece Theatre because I do that anyway. 

17. Establish 10-minute Tuesdays. A sneaky effort to get the peeps to spend 10 minutes with me engaged in physical activity. Stop laughing. 

18. Improve the look of my hands.  I'm a nail biter, cuticle cutter, handwringer. I want to develop habits that make them and keep them pretty. As a first step, I bought a NAME OF HAND MASK and link. 

19. Eat at least two servings of fruits and two servings of vegetables most days. It's not the recommended daily serving, but it's achievable goal for me. Just want to be more mindful and create a habit. 

20. Learn how to create my own social medial graphics. Beyond photos. 

21. TBD

22. TBD

If you've set goals or have just been thinking about things you'd like to do/hope to do this year, I wish you the best! Please share! 

Looking for More?

18 in '18

2020 Goals: Why I Took a Step Back

My 2022 Focus Phrase: I Am Here

"My 22 for 2022" pdf (Gretchen Rubin download)

Wherever you are, whatever you're doing ... Keep It Real.  

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